Speaking Engagement
Dr. Campbell has spoken all over the world addressing critical intergovernmental, non-governmental, business, academic, and civil society leadership issues.

TedX 2022 OshKosh
Previous Speaking Engagements
- 2021 Digital Conference: Next Generation Cyber Minds: Keynote Speaker The challenge of leading the next generation in the 21st century and beyond, Malaysia (29-31 March 2021)
- 2021 Rochston Reinvent Conference: Keynote Speaker Character-based leadership in times of crisis, New Delhi, India (14-16 May 2021)
- 2020 International Leadership Association Global Conference: Self-Leadership in times of Uncertain and Complex Environment, (5-9 November 2020)
- 2020 Keynote Speaker: Resolving Conflict Through Forgiveness and Restorative Justice in a Liberian Context, Beersheba International Ministries, Monvoria, Liberia (31 October 2020)
- 2019 Keynote Speaker: Peace Leadership Development: Leading Others in an Uncertain and Complex Environment, International Peace and Conflict Resolution Conference, Bangkok, Thailand (13-16 November 2019)
- 2019 Guest Speaker and Panel Participant: Leading Through Emotional Intelligence as an Organizational Leader National Academy Region 2 Leadership and Public Policy, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (30-31 October 2019)
- Presenter: 2019 Peace Leadership: Leading Oneself toward World Peace, Leadership and Public Policy Symposium on, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (28-29 October 2019)
- Key Note Speaker: Peace Leadership: Leading Oneself in Turbulent Times
- International Peace and Conflict Resolution Conference, Bangkok Thailand (3-5 November 2018)
- Presenter: Peace Leadership: What is it?
- 20th International Leadership Conference, West Palm Beach, FL (23-26 October 2018)
Figure 2: Recent books
- Transitional Leaders Role in Stabilization and Reconstruction in a Post Conflict Environment
- Peace Leadership Conference – India, Temple for Human Unity for Peace (Co-Lead) Seminar (February 2017)
- Leadership Competence, Forgiveness and Reconciliation within Restorative Justice Instruments,
- World Conference, International Institute for Restorative Practices
- International Criminal Court Presenter, Leadership and Negotiation Seminar, The Hague, Netherlands, (February 2016)
- Forgiveness and Reconciliation as an Organizational Leadership Competence
- International Leadership Association, Barcelona, Spain (October 2015)
- Forgiveness as a Political Leadership Tool
- Panel Chair and Presenter: Political Leadership Competencies and Its Influence on Conflict and Peace;
- Panel Chair: Good Governance through Transitional Justice Session One;
- Panel Chair: Good Governance through Transitional Justice Session Two;
- Panel Chair: Conflict and Conflict Management, European Consortium for Political Research, Montreal, Canada Université de Montréal, Montreal (August 2015).
- Global Response to the International Criminal Court: Leadership Perspectives
- Chair and Presenter, International Leadership Association, San Diego, CA (October-November 2014)
- Leadership as a Deterrent within the Transitional Justice System
- European Consortium for Political Research, Glaskow England Glaskow University (September 2014)
- Leadership Challenges within the International Transitional Justice SystemTHE Hague Symposium: Post Conflict and Transitions and International Justice, Clingendeal International Institute, Den Haage, (July-August 2013)
- Indepth Analysis of Global Leadership
- 2012 International Leadership Association, Denver, CO (23-26 October 2012)
- Conflict Resolution: Converging Victimology and Leadership to Secure Peace Workshop
- 14th International Symposium on the World Society of Victimology, Justice for Victims: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Conflict, Trauma, and Reconciliation THE HAGUE, Netherlands (20-24 May 2012)
- Chair – Victims Rights in South Africa
- In-Depth Analysis of Global Leadership
- 2012 Global Perspectives on Leadership Research and Practice, Regent’s University (12-13 May 2012) Presenter:
- Personality Characteristics of International Leaders
- 2011 International Leadership Association, London, UK (October 2011)