Technological role in conflict and peacebuilding.
The technological advancements of weaponry and war result in some of history’s darkest chapters and spawned social discourse. There is a single user the anti-government uprising and armed rebellions of the Arab Spring 2011. For example, one person used technology to demand political reforms and social justice across the Middle East. Technological assets used within the Israel-Palestine conflict provide local peace developers with the capability to coordinate conflict resolution measures. Also, the challenge conflict narratives and facilitate communication pathways between group discourse. The use of technological platforms like social media, logistical assets, and cyberspace assets are used more frequently by local peace workers builds communication networks that facilitate pathways toward peace and stability. Technology is a strategic enabler for peace workers and leaders. In other words, this brings conflictual parties together to counteract violent narratives and enhance local peace-builders capacity to conflict resolution and reconciliation.
Peace leaders
The emergence of peace leadership as a field of study is relatively new. Very limited research on the role and effects technological innovations have on peace development. How to identify technological advancement and effectively employ as part of a peacebuilding strategy needs exploring. One argument is that employment of technology is a strategic enabler for peace organizational decision-makers. Particularly in bringing civil society actors and marginalized groups together to discuss pathways for conflict resolution and peacebuilding activities. More importantly, data shows technological assets mobilize politico-ethnic discontent and promulgate social discourse.
Mobilized quickly for both constructive and violent purposes on the basis of the new so-called Web 2.0 collaborative technologies. The use of social media by one person. Therefore, a technological tool initiates a social movement of social justice that sparked the Arab Spring. Data show various internet platforms are used as tools by a violent extremist organization (VEOs) to recruit, propagandize, and plan structural violence toward outer groups in accomplishing a certain political objective. Technological assets either spawn social discourse or to constructively transform (violent) conflicts towards sustainable peace-supporting structures.
What kind of technologies does peace developer use?